This production illustrates the importance of transcending our belief systems and revealing what is left beyond the body and beyond our thoughts. Selections from The Destruction of Galicia included in the New Yiddish Library's The. Before the curtain is raised, a soft, mystical chant is heard, as if from afar: Why, oh why did the soul plunge From the upmost heights To the lowest depths The seed of redemption Is contained within the fall. Out of his engagement, he produced a new kind of history that was at once analytical and full of pathos. The Dybbuk, or Between Two Worlds: A DRAMATIC LEGEND IN FOUR ACTS (pp. This dance opera expresses the themes, emotions and the struggle between the earthly plane and the various spirit realms of the story. Ansky, a Russian Jew, negotiated freely among opposing groups: Poles Russian military officials, journalists, and recruits and Jews of every stripe. She is empowered by his love to voice her truth and say ‘no’ to family and society’s traditions. On her wedding day, his spirit enters her body to reclaim her. Set in the vanished, mystically religious world of 19th-century Eastern European Hasidism, S.

Ansky’s 19th century folk legend, “The Dybbuk.” A woman is given as a bride by her father to an older wealthy business man “an arranged marriage”, however she is in love with her young true love who dies suddenly of a broken heart when he receives this news. It is a spirit that possesses a human being. Lovecraft’s Supernatural Horror in Literature mentions Ansky’s supernatural drama, The Dybbuk, and proceeds to succinctly trace the origins of the Jewish mystical imagination. A Dybbuk in Hebrew means “glue”, “attachment” or “clinging”.