"Politically right now, gay and Canadian is about as exciting as it gets. It explores new ways of storytelling in a digital world. Generation X captures the mood and sentiment of a particular moment in time with its anxieties of nuclear apocalypse and doomed yuppie existence.

Oh, and he Comes Out", The Advocate, 1 February 2005, Generation A mirrors Couplands debut novel, 1991s Generation X. Generation X, by Douglas Coupland, is a 1991 novel that focuses on the relationships, hopes, and fears of three adults who represent the generation born in the decades of the 1960s and 70s. In 1965 his family moved to Vancouver, Canada. Alonso Duralde, "All the Lonely People: Artist and Generation X Novelist Douglas Coupland Talks About Disaster Movies, Google, and his New Book, Eleanor Rigby. Douglas Coupland is Canadian, born on a Canadian Air Force base near Baden-Baden, Germany, on December 30, 1961. Another major success followed with Microserfs (1995). 8 pages Generation X Throughout the twentieth century, American historians and social commentators have placed labels on various generations in an effort to capture their characteristic spirit. His first novel, Generation X, was published in March of 1991. Coupland has studied art and design in Vancouver, Canada, Milan, Italy and Sapporo, Japan. Famed for his 1991 international bestselling novel Generation X which popularised the titular term, the Canadian Douglas Coupland is celebrated both as a. In 1965 his family moved to Vancouver, Canada, where he continues to live and work. He coined the term "Generation X" with his 1991 novel by the same title, referring to the post-"Baby Boom" children born in the late 1960s to early 1970s. Douglas Coupland is Canadian, born on a Canadian Air Force base near Baden-Baden, Germany, on December 30, 1961.

Born on a NATO base in Germany, his family relocated to Vancouver when Coupland was four years old.