“ has produced a winning book about the extraordinary place of feathers in animal and human history. This is science written in clear and entertaining prose a great read.” In this book Hanson shows how they are the key to many of the most fascinating and diverse aspects of bird biology, how they have affected our understanding of evolution, and how they have and are enriching our everyday lives. Rendered in exquisite detail with delicate touch, like a feather-painting of old, this is the best kind of natural history-quilled by a real field biologist who is also a fine writer.”īernd Heinrich, Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Vermont author of Winter World and Mind of the Raven “ Feathers is simply a splendid book! Even for one biased toward butterfly scales, their closest competitors in the animal raiment line, feathers in all their glory can only be seen as astonishing. With elegance and wit, Thor Hanson captures not only their awesome esthetics, but also the astonishing evolution, historical and cultural impact, and sheer wonder of avian plumage. Robert Michael Pyle, author of Wintergreen and Mariposa Road